To work towards creating a better India this provides basic health, education and empowerment to every citizen.
We have a strong missing to develop such people, are far away from modern education due to economic problem or non-availability of resources and encourage the younger generation, particularly girls and youth to acquire professional education. We, as an organization are known for providing the computer education in rural area with economic costing thought a strong network of centers in small villages and towns. We are providing such types of education,which is required in every step of life, age and work place. Our well-trained staff is ready to teach such a practical education, which needed to a student,housewife, and businessman; retire person;employee, self-employed, farmer, uneducated person etc. We have a special scheme for very poor people to provide free education according to percentage of total student admission from concern area. The organization also running a “SWAYAM ROJGAR YOJNA” through our “REFERRAL PROGRAM” in which our student can earn income with the help of our education.
Honesty, Integrity, teamwork, Devotion and Transparency.